Already retired
If you have retired already, you’ll know full well that financial planning doesn’t stop the day you leave work.
In fact, ensuring your pensions, savings and investments provide you with enough income to live your desired lifestyle can be a complex balancing act that you have to juggle for the rest of your life. Of course, if you left work without a proper financial strategy in place, it’s never too late to start making positive changes for the future.
Whilst you will want to ensure your retirement income is able to facilitate your aspirations, you may also be concerned about the future once you’re no longer around: what will happen to your family, your estate and your legacy?
We’ll help you understand the options that you have, as well as the impact your health, your property and your other assets could have. We’ll then create a plan that means you can really enjoy your retirement, safe in the knowledge that you have enough money for the things you want to do, and your wishes for the future are mapped out thoroughly.

We take a bespoke approach to financial planning. If you work with us, we will follow these steps:
1. Introductory Call
We begin with a brief telephone call to introduce ourselves to each other, understand your needs and expectations, while explaining how we work and answer any questions you may have.
If, at the end of this call, we are both happy to move on to the next stage of the process, we will book an Introductory Meeting. Before that meeting, we’ll ask you to give some serious thought to your goals and aspirations.
2. Introductory Meeting
At this meeting we’ll start to establish your current financial position and discuss your goals and aspirations.
It is during this meeting that we’ll explain whether we can help you and we’ll decide together whether we are the right planning firm for you. Assuming we are both happy to proceed, we will confirm our fees for the work we will undertake on your behalf and book the date of our Planning Meeting.
3. Planning Meeting Preparation
In preparation for the Planning Meeting, we ask all clients to complete income & expenditure and attitude to risk questionnaires.
At the same time, we will gather and review detailed information about all your existing financial arrangements and understand your attitude to risk after you have completed the questionnaire. This process may involve a phone or video call and possibly a further meeting.
4. Planning Meeting
During the Planning Meeting we will present and discuss your financial plan and our initial recommendations then carry out any fine tuning necessary based on your feedback.
Once you are completely happy, we’ll confirm our recommendations and get your commitment to proceed with the implementation of the plan.
5. Implementation
The effective implementation of the plan is a crucial stage of the process. It might require a further meeting, either face to face or remotely.
We will ask you to sign the required paperwork, which we will then submit to the relevant providers. Our team will ensure its smooth processing and you will receive confirmation when this process has been completed.
6. Forward Planning Meeting
Our Forward Planning Meetings are vital for keeping you on track to attain your goals and aspirations. After all, you can’t expect to go to the gym once and be fit for life.
Equally, a Financial Plan needs to be revisited regularly to ensure it remains on track; it must be updated to reflect your changing circumstances as well as prevailing economic and market conditions.